An initial consultation is provided free of charge - this excludes hypnotherapy to stop smoking (see below). It will usually be around 45 minutes in duration and at the end of it you can make an informed decision as to whether you wish to book further sessions.
If you choose to do this we will agree a personal treatment plan and I will give you an idea as to how many sessions will be required. There is no obligation to do this and in any eventuality you will have provided yourself with an option for change when you decide that the time is right.
All therapy sessions last up to one hour.
Session Cost: £55.00
Stopping smoking
Deciding to become a non-smoker is probably the most important decision you will ever make. We will discuss the reasons why the subconscious encourages the smoking habit and the conscious and unconscious interventions which will be employed to help make smoking a thing of the past.
This is a single session lasting 90 minutes and includes a CD to support you after the session.
Session cost: £110.00
Fees are payable by cheque or cash at the end of each session and include a relaxation CD that you can use at home.
I understand that the unexpected can happen to us all but we would ask you to keep all appointments since this affects the time available for other clients. I require at least 48 hours notice if you are unable to attend for whatever reason.